Search Engine Optimisation Is Bound To Make An Impact In Your Business

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Version du 17 août 2014 à 09:02 par WilhemiAragon (discuter | contributions)
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You need to understand which algorithm has penalized your website if you are going to fix it. Large traffic drops on or near the 24th April 2012 indicate that the Google Penguin algorithm has penalized your linking profile.

The primary keywords that you have promoted the most in your back-link anchor text are the ones most penalized by Google. The easiest way to see your backlink profile is to use to analyse your links. The summary page will show you the anchor text volumes for each keyword.

Back-Link Construction

Before the launch of Google Penguin, you could use as much as 70 percent exact match keyword density and rank well, in one step this dropped to 5%. The bulk of your links should be made up of Brand, URL or ‘junk’ link text in place of target keywords.
Brand links are your registered company name or website name. Use different variations. URL links ought to be different variations of your domain address.
Different C Class IP addresses will give your links more importance than ever. Building inbound links on themed sites that have similar content topics to you will help more than ever before. You should only build links from sites with a good trust score. Google now looks to see who links to the websites that link to you, so the neighbourhoods you mix with online are more important than ever.

Google and Automated Link Networks

Automated link networks might seem like a good option at the time but the usually only produce poor quality spam links and in the end Google will discover the network, devalue it and penalize websites it finds within it.

On-Page SEO for Google Penguin

Your primary search term keyword density on each page must not exceed 2 -3%. Reference authority domains (.edu, .gov) from relevant content on your site as this is a great indicator that your website is prepared to share quality information.

Your Web Content

The only content that you should host on your site ought to be unique, good quality and well written. Google consider it good practice to link from within your site content using keywords in the text to other information pages on your site as well as to external ‘authority’ domains.

How to Use Media

Using images to separate your content into more readable sections will make your site content more pleasing to your visitors. A great video will also help to keep your visitors on your pages for longer, giving you better user engagement metrics. For each image that you add to your content, add a keyword or phrase as alt text behind the image. Vary your alt text keywords for each image used.

It is standard practice for Google to assess your site content and assess its reading age. Google will be able to tell if you are a professor or a child, so always spell check your content and re-read it thoroughly for grammatical errors. Your site content must be as long as it needs to be in order David Holland Search Engine Optimization to cover what you need to say. However, More quality content will give you higher rankings. Over 500 words appears to be beneficial.
It is best to focus on your readers, and not write just for google. If you write quality content that people like and engage with then Google, Bing and Yahoo will reward you. Google has the technology to relate similar meaning words together, so it isn’t necessary to repeat your primary keywords in order to get them noticed, instead you can use different words that mean the same thing and Google will relate those words for you. This lets you write in a much more natural style.

Meta Data Tags

Check your meta-tags in Google webmaster tools because duplicate meta tags on two or more pages can bring about a ranking penalty. Each page must have it’s own bespoke meta description data. Write compelling meta descriptions that will encourage lots more people to click through from search engines and you will see a ranking benefit.

Engagement Metrics

Slow loading sites rank lower in Google. Make sure your site pages load quickly for top rankings. The bounce rate for your website measures the amount of visitors that don’t like your content. This is an indication to Google that your content isn’t what that traffic is looking for, and so you will drop for the search terms with the highest bounce rates.

Page Views

The more site pages that each visitor looks at, the better your website content is considered to be, so you will rise in the rankings. The length of time your traffic spends reading your content is an effective indication of the quality of your content. Raising the average time on site will help your rankings.

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